Leadership Quest (S3)


Awarded for exemplary leadership in the YGGSPL community that benefits the entire SubDAO


  1. Must be a member of a Qualified Guild

  2. Must be awarded this quest by the GAP S3 Panel

The YGGSPL Token Committee will select 3 panel members on the basis of their likelihood to complete this quest on their own merits. Panel members will automatically be eligible for this quest in order to avoid conflicts of interest. Specific guidelines for the quest will be developed and publicized by the panel, but in general they will be responsible for recognizing and rewarding:

  • Exemplary leadership in YGGSPL, specifically the operations and administration of the SubDAO

This quest has a reward pool consisting of 21000 YGG and 5670 YGGSPL tokens. There will be no max award for this quest. Quest rewards will be divided evenly among all members who meet the above criteria.

Last updated